About us
“Today more than ever, we have to take care of both our health and the environment. The Amazon is vital for the environment and also hides unparalleled treasures for our health. With our Cacay oil we offer you a way to take care of your skin while taking care of the planet.”

Taking care of your skin sustainably
About us
CaryO was born in 2017, when we decided to change the cattle pastures of our family farm in Colombia for cacay forests. We have already planted more than 13,000 cacay trees, native to the Amazon and Colombian Orinoquía. We also work with peasant families in the Amazon, so that they can live by collecting wild cacay nuts and protecting the cacay trees and the Amazon rainforest that surrounds them.

Learn about our support
To the community
At CaryO we support more than 50 peasant families, who harvest the Cacay nut from wild trees and we buy it at a fair price, which contributes to the sustainable economic development of the region.

Learn about our support
To sustainability
In our project we have planted more than 13.000 trees and we are going for many more. Additionally, when you buy CaryO oil, you contribute to caring for the environment, since 5% of our profits go to the Land Life Future Foundation (LLF), a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of Colombian biodiversity.
A la comunidad: En CaryO apoyamos a más de 50 familias campesinas, las cuales cosechan la nuez de Cacay de árboles silvestres y se les compra a un precio justo, lo cual contribuye al desarrollo económico sostenible de la región.